Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Constitution: An Anti-Redistributionist Document

In an interview on Superbowl Sunday, the President, being interviewed by Bill O'Reilly, strongly disavowed (despite much evidence to the contrary) that his is a redistributionist agenda.  
Later, MSNBC, interviewing former Presidential Candidate and former head of the DNC Howard Dean, says that Obama was "mousetrapped"..... after all, said Dean, "Redistribution is what Government's Do".  
You can see the interview by clicking below.   To see the specific reference I'm talking about click ahead to 4:20, near the end of the interview.  >>>
Howard Dean is right.   
Redistribution is exactly what traditional governments do.  That's because governments are generally about oppression.  Witness the billions in aid that went to Haiti after the terrible earthquake there.   Where did the money go?   Well not much actually got to the victims of the earthquake--- but you and I have an idea where it ended up.   Egypt also receives billions in aid from the US.... but it hasn't been seen to have been of much help to the people.  
In 1776 after years of re-distributive abuse by Americans who had their hard-earned money sent back to the "Mother Country" in the form of oppressive taxes, we decided that we had had enough of redistribution.   After successfully claiming our God-given rights to liberty and gaining our Independence, we eventually put into place an astonishingly Revolutionary document that enshrined our anti-redistributionist sentiment.   In fact, for the first time in world history, our Constitution made the government, not the agent of the redistribution of property, but the PROTECTOR of property.   
It is WE who are the revolutionaries.   And it is today, again WE THE PEOPLE, who must stand up against the redistributionist counterrevolutionaries---- people like Barack Obama and Howard Dean.
What do you think?
Best Wishes,

PS. Just for emphasis, you can click below to hear Dean speaking in 2010 about how Obama Care is essentially a form of redistribution.  The exact quote comes in about 6:25>>>>

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