Wednesday, April 20, 2011

When Will They Stop Calling it Obama-Care?

The mainstream liberal press coined what it hoped would be the derisive term 'Reaganomics' when it first encountered Reagan economic policy.   But as Reagan later said,  "I could tell our economic policy was working, when they stopped calling it 'Reaganomics.'"
Likewise the term 'Obama-Care' was coined by the liberal press, but in this case to pay tribute to the man who finally put a "successful" National Health Care plan on the map.   According to Larry Elder,
A LexisNexis search turns up what might be "ObamaCare's" first use in print. An April 4, 2008, enthusiastically supportive article in the Salt Lake Tribune said: "Obama's national health insurance program, let's call it 'ObamaCare,' provides Americans with affordable premiums, co-pays and deductibles."

Unfortunately for Obama the term quickly became a derisive term.  Why?, because it was seen for what it is-- a stupid, wasteful, counterproductive policy.  

Will we be able to tell that Obama Care is working when they stop calling it Obama-Care?   Well don't hold your breath.

Best Wishes,


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