Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Rail Travel: Antiquated Technology

From David Haranyi regarding President Obama's State of the Union Speech on January 25th.  Thought you'd enjoy this....
Can you say high-speed rail? The president can. He mentioned railroads six times, because how else are we going to win the 19th century back?
Actually, this fixation with building an extraordinarily expensive, outdated and tax-funded rail system is a great example of why central planning undermines progress.

And by the time the president's promise of high-speed Internet for everyone comes to fruition, we'll probably be teleporting like Sulu. But at the very least, let's not re-fight the battles of the early 20th century. Someone already invented airplanes and cars, which, unlike trains, can be pointed in any direction we want, whenever we want, as often as we want.

Best Wishes,


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