Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Train Wreck

Here is a letter that I wrote to the Columbus Monthly regarding the proposed idea of building a high speed rail system in Ohio. The letter was later published in the same magazine.  Kasich elected Governor in Nov 2010, weilded his power to end the foolishness, but for sometime, it was a much talked about issue......

Re: Columbus Monthly, January 2011, "A Train Wreck" by Molly Willow

In “A Train Wreck” Molly Willow makes a stupendously inane analysis of Kasich’s decision to ditch the proposed 3-C rail line.  

She makes no mention of its projected average speed of 39 miles per hour;  No discussion of whether a slow-speed train could actually attract customers, much less pay for itself; No projections as to how the state will fund its yearly maintenance;  No disclosure of Kasich’s request to use the $400 million for legitimate state obligations, or that at least that the feds apply the funds to reducing the deficit.

No, indicates Willow , Kasich’s decision was wrong because he had “overlooked one central point: Trains are cool.” Shall we surmise that she never got that Christmas train-set she’d always wanted?   

Bernie Iven

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