Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Obama Care's Individual Mandate

The individual mandate included in the 2700 page "Obama-Care" legislation is a linch-pin whose removal can collapse this house-of- cards monstrosity.   Why? because the individual mandate is clearly un-Constitutional. If the federal government can force you to purchase something on the thin basis that it thinks it is "good for you", then we no longer have any semblance of limited government.  We have arrived at full time nanny-state socialism.  If it were to stand then if Michelle talked her husband into it, he could theoretically force you to eat and consume Brussels sprouts, since everyone says they're good for you.  (personally I love Brussels sprouts, but why would I force you to eat it, I'd rather keep more for myself  )
So far three federal courts have agreed.  The latest, in a ruling in  a Florida federal court by justice Roger Vinson goes a step further in indicating that because the individual mandate is not "severable" the entire law must be scrapped.
Interestingly enough, President Obama-- at the time candidate Obama-- agrees also. In an interview with Ellen Degeneres during the campaign he says that unlike Hillary, he opposed an individual mandate.  He likens it to passing a law forcing everyone to buy as house so as to cure homelessness.  He actually makes a good point.   Click below for video >>>>>
Funny how he forgot his opposition when he signed the bill with a flourish.  What's a little memory loss amongst fellow left wingers?
As it stands now, many say that the rulings will wind their way to the Supreme Court around 2012 to, I think, the great detriment of again Candidate Obama.
Still, Ohio could make Obama-Care a non starter even sooner.  The Ohio Project has been, for the past year and a half, gathering signatures for a referendum to the November 2011 ballot that would in effect, allow Ohioans to opt out of Obama Care.  Called Ohio's Health Care Freedom Amendment, it basically says that in Ohio, a person can not be forced to purchase health insurance, and nor can he/she be punished or fined if they do not. It's simple and a honest interpretation of our Constitution's neglected 10th amendment which says that any powers not specifically given to the federal government belong to the states or to the people respectively.   Now that's  freedom baby!
 A number of states have already passed, through their legislatures, provisions that allow states to opt out of the individual mandate.   But because the Ohio House, and Governors Office has until recently, has been dominated by Democrats, we have had to pursue the more arduous process of ballot initiative.   Some of you have helped to collect signatures.  The results have been positive, and we are close to the votes needed, with 5 more months to go.   Now the good news is that, with a new Republican house, A joint senate and house resolution (SJR1) has been introduced to mirror the objectives of the Ohio Project.  But it must be passed by a difficult to get 3/5 of both houses. 
As a safeguard, the Ohio Project continues to collect signatures, and indeed has called for greater urgency in doing so.   And you can help!  Educate yourself... or collect signatures to get it on the ballot
You can find out more by going to
Best Wishes,

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