Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why Public Sector Unions Must Go

In a perceptive article, Jonah Goldberg indicates that the actions in Wisconsin to reign in unions  don't go far enough.
While union supporters charge that Wisconsin Governor, Scott Walker is engaging in "union busting" Goldberg says, "If only".
So what about public sector unions
Well here are some facts highlighted in the article:
* Public Sector Unions were illegal until 1962 when John Kennedy lifted their ban by Executive fiat.
* Civil servants were making decent salaries and encountered generally good working conditions before that time.  And of course in 1962 public service employees were not marching for better working conditions.  They weren't getting black lung from their water cooler breaks, or mesotheleoma from shuffling papers at their desks.
* The main impetus for allowing public service unions to bargain collectively is that it harnessed the political allegiance of public workers, via their unions to the Democrat Party-- a perpetual feed back loop of  worker support and money given by politicians to unions in exchange for financial and political support for the party--- and all conveniently paid with taxpayer dollars. **see Michael Barone quote below 
* Unfortunately  this political feedback loop allows public sector unions to by-pass the public interest in getting the most for its taxpayer dollars, thus subverting the protection of property which should be government's first concern.
* Over the long term, and especially during fiscal crisis, the "generosity" of liberal Democratic union patrons, dishing out someone else's money has created fiscal insolvency in several of our states.
But here's the good news for Ohio---- our Senate Bill #5 goes further than the Wisconsin Proposals.
Here's what another perceptive commentator had to say....
Government unions have nothing in common with private sector unions because they don't have hostile management on the other side of the bargaining table. To the contrary, the "bosses" of government employees are co-conspirators with them in bilking the taxpayers.
Far from being careful stewards of the taxpayers' money, politicians are on the same side of the bargaining table as government employees -- against the taxpayers, who aren't allowed to be part of the negotiation. This is why the head of New York's largest public union in the mid-'70s, Victor Gotbaum, gloated, "We have the ability to elect our own boss."   
Click the article below:  
Best Wishes,
** Michael Baron Reports on Obama: Obama said Governor Walker was waging "an assault on unions and added that "public employee unions make enormous contributions to our states and our citizens."
Enormous contributions, yes -- to the Democratic Party and the Obama campaign. Unions, most of whose members are public employees, gave Democrats some $400 million in the 2008 election cycle. The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the biggest public employee union, gave Democrats $90 million in the 2010 cycle.

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