In 1994, the Republican Party issued its famous "Contract with America". It was a good start, but times have changed. Technology has put the American people themselves in the lead.
It's time now, not for another Contract with America, but a Contract From America.
Click to go to Read the Contract From America. It's about LIBERTY. Individual liberty, Limited Government, and Economic Freedom. The first of the 10 points is is foundational..... Protect the Constitution.
Can you help make the Constitution a priority in our government?
Yes you can!
After you go to , sign the Contract FROM America... and sign on to LIBERTY!
Nearly 500,000 Amerians have already done so.
What else can you do?
Vote for candidates who support The Contract FROM America.
Below is a short description from the site.
The Contract from America serves as a clarion call for those who recognize the importance of free market principles, limited government, and individual liberty. It is the natural extension of a movement that began in the local communities and quickly spread across America in response to unprecedented government expansion, reckless spending, and a blatant disregard by our leaders of the nation’s founding principles.
During the past several months, hundreds of thousands of Americans have debated thousands of ideas to solve our nation’s most pressing problems. 454,331 votes were cast. It has been an open process and has provided a genuine opportunity to give voice to a broad cross section of concerned Americans.
Best Wishes,
Bernie Iven
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