I was riding my bike outside Mechanicsburg, Ohio. I saw a basin some 5 acres in size with an earthen dam at one end. Bulldozers were moving earth inside the basin. Up at the top of the hill, overlooking this soon-to-be lake, was a nice house.
Surely the new lake is likely to double the value of the property. Surely the view will be lovely. Surely recreational opportunities will abound for the owners of the property and invited friends and relatives. Its a win for man.
But just as surely it's a win for nature. Animals from the surrounding forests will have a source of water and additional food. New animals will move into the area. Fish will have a new habitat as well as waterfowl..... perhaps muskrats and other water bound mammals.
It's a win-win situation.
It's surely no coincidence that the countries of the world with the greatest abundance of wildlife, and the cleanest air and water are also those that show a greater degree of economic development. The equation, often repeated that economic development = environmental degradation is demonstrably false. While it's not a straight line progression, a much better case can be made for the equation.... economic development = an improving environment.
I was struck about a year ago with the almost despairing attitude of our young nephew, Luke regarding the state of our environment. To hear him talk, it's never been worse. Apparently this is what he'd been taught in school. But of course it has been much worse. The air was much dirtier when I was a kid. I've ridden my bike both in the pre-catalytic converter era and the post. Believe me, it's much easier to breath now. Back then, you almost never saw the now ubiquitous deer and Canadian geese. Lake Erie was proclaimed dead. Now I'm not saying that kids shouldn't be taught to respect the environment, and take care of it. But the alarmist theme they pick up..... it only paves the way for hair brained schemes like cap & trade which will promptly degrade our economy..... and unfortunately, following the above more accurate equation, result in the degradation of our environment..... the opposite of the desired result..... unless of course if the desired result is more government control and less liberty.
Any way, below is a great read on that topic... Check it out!
Best Wishes,
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