Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mary Jo Kilroy: Master of Deciept

(from June 2010)
As you know we have a big government liberal, Mary Jo Kilroy who squeaked her way into the our district's house of representative slot by fewer than 200 votes, on the coats of the Barak Obama.   She votes for any big government program that comes by and is the President's, and Nancy Pelosi's yes-man. 
Recently, she aired a re-election commercial in which she brags that she did not vote for the bank bail-out--- also known as Tarp.   As you may know, Tarp was the disaster promoted and passed during the waning days of the Bush Administration in 2008.   It gave Secretary Paulson unconstitutional and dictatorial power to "stimulate" the country's banking and financial institutions in anyway he saw fit.   The plan was to reward the idiotic behavior of financial corporations by giving grants.   Of course, after it was passed, it morphed into a government equity stake in the financial institutions, and then morphed again, against the house's expressed consent, into a bailout for our loser auto companies, GM and Chrysler.   Despite being supported by a Republican President, the measure was passed by an overwhelming majority of democrats, and a handful of Republicans.    Hillary, Barak, and even the weak-kneed Rino,  McCain voted in favor.
Now that it has proven to be the boon-doggle everyone should have known it would be, and now that it has been exponentially compounded by several Obama "stimulus'", (aka Democratic slush funds) Mary Jo wants you to know that she did not vote for that thing.
Wanna know why?   She was not in office when it passed.  She couldn't have voted on it if she had wanted to.   Of course given her penchant for ever-increasing government control of our lives and the crushing of our liberties, you can bet she really wanted to.   
Best Wishes,

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